Monday, November 2, 2009

Letters from Seniors in Purcell area in response to budget cuts

To whom it may concern
Why did you cut senior citizens meal program by 25% ½ of total cut. You could have cut out your mileage and pay your own way to work like have done as long as I worked and I didn’t make any part of the amount as you make.

My wife is in a nursing home and I still have to pay all our utility bills and taxes besides groceries and health insurance.
When election time comes Beware you will be part of the unemployed
John Bourquin

To whom this concerns,
Our senior citizens of Purcell and surrounding communities need our nutrition program. We understand there will be cuts. This would be bad for our seniors because otherwise they would not get a decent meal 5 days a week. I believe there is another way to cut somewhere else besides this program.
We have a good meal each day and wonderful employees who go beyond their duty to make everyone feel welcome and cared about.

Thank you
Douglas and Laura Williams

Wayne, OK 73095
To whom it may concern:
I attend Purcell Senior Citizen Center for lunch. I need this as I am single and do not cook! Please keep us open & at the same rate Please full fund us!

Joe Bob Jamro
Retired Teacher
Wanette Schools 1997
Please do not financially cut our senior program. This is a good place for us to eat hot meals and enjoy our friendly get togethers

Thank you
Mildred L Westbrook

I enjoy the Center because of the Friendly people I meet and the good meals & really enjoy playing games
Pearlie Winthers

I am very unhappy to hear you are cutting our budget. Seem like you could fine someone else to pick on we love our center we old folk enjoy come here every morning

Joyce Sain

Lisa Billy
We all enjoy the games and meals at the Purcell Senior Center

Shirley Stark

The center is very important to the people not just for the food but also for getting together for a lot of the people because this is all they might see of people. Also for some this probably the main meal they get.

Mary T Loentor

I enjoy the center because of the friendly people and our very good leader

To whom it concerns
The senior citizen centers are very Important to our community. If we don’t take care of them who have been here for us now we need to be there for them

Dear Sirs,
This Purcell senior center is a very interesting place for me. I live alone & this gives me friends & something to do during the day
Helen Blackstone

To the Legislature
It is very important to the Senior Citizens of Okla. Do not have to suffer through a budget cut. The center are the only place some seniors get a meal for the day. They have put on the back burner long enough. Our children, disabled children & Senior Citizens, should be our first priority
Thank you
Nila & Jimmy Ross

Dear Sir,
I am so thankful for our Purcell senior citizen center, I don’t know what I would do without it. It is such a blessing to me and everyone here. The food the staff that prepares the food are wonderful. They do such a great job not only myself but everyone here needs this place a lot of them would go hungry and end up in nursing homes and they need to be with people we all enjoy each other please keep us coming here each day.
Sincerely Joyce Clinton

Dear Senator
My name is Larry West, and I am righting in hope you will keep our senior citizens centers open. My man is 87 years old. These center help in hard times. This is the only good meal for some seniors for the day. They also help get people out and socialize and meet friends. We owe a lot to our senior citizens and not cut there help in hard times
Larry Lusest

Ref: Senior Citizens
Please keep the senior Program open. Getting together each day means so much to each of us-not only the meal but being together with others of your age means so much and will contribute to our well being. Thanks Kathryn L. Ratliff

To Whom it may Concern
The senior citizen center in Purcell is a very important place for us to meet for various activities and enjoy a great meal. The center would surely be missed for a large number of people.
Please consider leaving this center open we all need it.
Thank you Sincerely
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Thompson 10-6-09

To Whom it may Concern:
Our senior Center here in Purcell is very vital to our community. I have been working(volunteer) here for over a year delivering frozen meals, lunches Etc.
The cooks & Nutrition personal work very hard for us and we need all the help we can get to keep our center going. All the people who we deliver to are very appreciative of our services and believe me, they need their meals. Our seniors should not and do not deserve being cut from any of our benefits.
Hester L. Hughes

I’ve heard about the cut in the nutrition program. It seems like Congress has forgotten about the aging, when they take $ 5,000 raises for themselves
Jacob Cirer Jr

Our aging seniors should not suffer from the state taking our nutrition programs away. Our Purcell Center is vital to our older seniors and we deliver meals to the home bound. Who would suffer greatly
Rudy Crawford

To Whom it may concern:
Please do not cut out the senior meals. Many of us depend on them for our only nutritious meal of the day. Thank you Anita Ballard

I am thrilled to express my thoughts about the senior citizens center and the program for the many activities provided. Most of the time when I get here there are about three tables of card games or dominoes and puzzles in full swing. I deliver lunches to the shut in’s and on what a joy to see and hear the help it is to them.

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